One is the lonliest number

Mar 03, 2008 13:04

I feel like I've been writing everywhere lately. Even if my head, I'll be preparing something to write down lately. In my journal, on my livejournal, I've been noticing I've been writing a lot of random crap lately, even on myspace, on email, in classes. I feel like it's therapy. Maybe how art is therapy to some people. How drugs are therapy I guess to others. Everybody has some type of therapy. You have to if you want to rationally cope with the events of life. They are ongoing and not very forgiving. Always one thing after another. Not just in the negative sense. I think you must cope with positive things too, it's just easier. Which brings out the strength in a person when the negative appears. I want to quit smoking cigaretts. I can't. It's the only damn thing I can't quit. I feel like . I feel like every year I gain a little more knowledge, a little more surity about these workings of life. But we are children entering this horrible world of realities. Must I stress again how boring paperwork is. Just waiting in line, just wasting time. Why do I feel like growing up is not what I thought it was like? Why do I still see people 24, even 35, acting like the stereotypical boy from high school. I thought drama between friendships, relationships were supposed to end with high school. They don't. I don't know why I thought that. For some reason I had in my head that once you reach a certain age, people stop lying to you. I guess it's been a long time since I've thought that actually. I mean you can't even be safe in a hopsital anymore. Please let me know if you want to come donate blood with me. I am too afraid to do it on my own. Matt says he'll go but we should all go. There's no reason not to. A girl talked to us in one my classes about the importance of donating blood, there's a shortage, you could save a life, you lose 600 calories. But maybe it's just propaganda. Maybe they just want our blood. Vampires from the red cross? I don't know why I make so many of these private. I don't care who reads this. I'm happy I can make life happy.
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