here i am...

Jan 20, 2005 18:24

in Falls Church, Virginia aka Washington, D.C. I've been here almost an entire week and it's been fun. There's a group of 25 of us from Kent here. I'm living with Adrianne, Carey, and Keiko. We're all getting along beautifully. Hopefully that'll last. Roommates are not my specialty, although I've had some really great ones... but I've also had some really fuckin' awful ones! The Metro has been fun, it reminds me of Europe. Today we were packed in like sardines. I had a great day, but didn't exactly get to do what we wanted. The 4 of us went to Bush's inauguration. And no, I didn't vote for him. No, neither did the roommates. We went because an inauguration is a symbol of the peaceful transfer of powers. It's important and historical... that's why we went. Also, because our director gave us tickets.
We spent 3 hours in line from the Metro station to the Capitol in less than 30 degree weather. We were fuckin' freezing, snot pouring out, etc. etc. We finally get up to the gate where yellow ticket card holders are supposed to go in, and bam, the sexy army and police guards are not allowed to let anyone else in, which includes us. We never made it through the gates, but we had a great time anyway in the cold. Shit. We were surrounded by Republicans. We were definitely not in Northeast Ohio anymore. One woman that was behind us started crying hysterically because she flew in to DC just to see the inaugural and she didn't get in. There were also all these elderly people who stood out in the cold with us. I felt bad for them.
I also have this rash all over my torso. I got it a week before I left and the medicine hasn't done jack shit. I thought I would add that in.
I went to one of the Smithsonian museums on Tuesday, the Natural History Museum. It's fantastic, as all the Smithsonian museums are. Evolution at its finest. You know what really annoys me? When people don't believe in evolution. How much evidence do you fuckin' need?
I started my internship at Amnesty International yesterday. I don't have much to say about it yet, except that I do believe that I will be able to fight for some great causes. I believe what I am supposed to be concentrating on during this internship is getting people to try to pass resolutions against the Patriot Act. It goes against 4 or 5 different Amendments in the Constitution. The police can hold a foreigner for up to 6 months without telling them why and not give them an attorney. It's a fucked up Act. Parts of it are great, but other parts infringe on American and foreign rights. I'll explain more some other time.
Tomorrow I have work again. Afterwards, I'm finally going to hit up some bars or clubs. Saturday I'm definitely going to check out the city some more. It's awesome here! I need to go to the Spy Museum sometime soon. It sounds fantastic! And the people are great. No one is actually from DC. I like that... people from all over.
well, i should get going. peace out.
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