Random Bones-ness : yes this week's episode sort of made up for last week's, even though I've seen better. My brother is like Sweets; so sensitive and emotional. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT involve love in this series - Bones is supposed to be crime + mystery + science it does not need love involved as it is I can already see the standard of the crimes dropping I tell you all love does is ruin a great series T_____________________T
/end rant
A black pretzel ^O^ either that, or a weird looking spider? XD;;;
And a question I've been meaning to ask but kept on forgetting to :
If I install Windows 7 over Vista, do I have to reinstall programs all over again?
PS : I just remembered that I still haven't eaten
anna_chiba's Hetalia cookies from Comic Fiesta orz T____T; I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO EAT THEM!