I had a very eventful day!
It was just supposed to be a
Hippo gathering, but I didn't realize that my school was having a 新年会 - New Year's Party today; some Hippo Club members were going, so my brother (who recently started attending Hippo) and me decided to go along as well~
Hippo Family Club group picture! :D We got to know a few other Japanese who came to Malaysia for a holiday, and caught up with members we haven't seen for sometime. Btw, while my nickname is Kaeru, my brother's is 鷹 [taka] (falcon), because he's takai (tall) ...lame pun, I know...
The Hippo group that we're familiar with comprises of two families : two mums and five kids between them. Miki-san aka Anyo-ra (left, black shirt), is mum to Sara-chan(front row middle, bespectacled with black socks) and Shin-chan (being carried, covering face). Naoko-san (no not
mistressnaoko lol) aka Sazae-san (middle row middle, carrying Sakura), has three daughters : Misaki (front row beside Sara-chan, pink striped shirt), Sayaka (middle row, making peace sign, being carried by my brother) and Sakura.
Shin-chan and a guy from Johor whose name I didn't quite catch ^^; awawawawawawawawawa Shin-chan is socuteicandie - give him 15 years, and he'll be breaking hearts lol as it is he already has mine ;w;
Another family! Mum Teruya Yumi aka Teruteru-chan, daughter Azumi (SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER CUTE♥), and son... Sasuke. I'm serious - apparently their dad is such a big fan of ninjas, that he decided to name his children after famous ninjas LOL.
See we have Sakura and Sasuke, just need a Naruto now LOL.
The okashi we all got after that. All my favourites! ♥ Haven't eaten the one with almond in AGES! ;w;
Sasuke-kun (I cannot help but grin when I call him that), Sara-chan, Sakura aka Aku-tan, Shin-chan, Azumi-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaan ♥ wah this line-up can kill me wei x__x;
Sayaka-chan wearing Sara-chan's... tudung LOL XD;
We went back to Sazae-san's house after that to get the children changed to the New Year's party. Played an interesting game of cards, something involving 坊主[bouzu](monk), 殿[tono](feudal lord), and 姫[hime](princess).
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAKU-TAAAAAAAAAAN WHY YOU SO CUTE?! ;W; The dog is named Fuwa-chan, and the round orange thing Aku-tan is holding is called Mika-chan LOL
miura_mika immediately came to mind XD;; Mika, from mikan, you know? XD;
Sayaka-chan and Aku-tan~ ♥
And elder sister Misaki-chan~ She performed a hiphop dance at the party!
Got a lift from Sazae-san to the Japan Foundation building. There were stalls at the carpark; tables and chairs and a stage at one end.
madsqueeble I DID try to look for guys according to your specifications, but they were VERY few and far between ;___; Plus they all looked underage, but then again you know how awet muka Japanese generally are... I did see a cute bespectacled guy though lololol
Mochi-pounding on the rooftop! The one on the left yawning is my bishie principal, Kamen Rider and Ultraman fan, Sumitani-sensei.
ilunari : HOT GOSSIP! Sumitani-sensei is finally married! XDXD;; (Kesian all my classmates who have a crush on him lol)
I wonder how much I can sell this photo for lol The moment Sumitani-sensei tried his hand at mochi-pounding, my classmates and juniors whipped out their handphones / cameras and started snapping away. LOLOL fangirls... but I guess i'm no better myself? XD; hey I do admit he is attractive, but it ends at that 'w';
Mochi being pounded by someone who really knows how to lol.
The end result : mochi with red bean, mochi with caramelized sugar, mochi with seaweed and shoyu - my favourite!
My classmates and me tried pounding mochi too! It's quite fun actually, and my senseis were cheering us on - "Pound harder!" "Think it's (insert sensei's name here)-sensei you're pounding!" "Die, homework, die!"
Green tea flavoured カキ氷 -shaved ice with condensed milk, but give me ais kacang any day..
Apparently one band performed Lion from Macross Frontier while I was away - my brother caught it though, only so-so, according to him. But I managed to record Don't Say Lazy after that XD;
BLURRY PIC IS BLURRY OTL. Taken with termmates and junior with peace sign lol. The one in front is hands-down the bishie-est girl of my term LOLOLOLOL
P.S. :
ryo_hakkai and
piratelicker, I dreamt of you two drawing UK on MSN WTHHHHH