ithronluin : THANK YOU for staying back and taking that pic with me T__T;
a_songfor_xx : THANK YOU for introducing me to Dan awawawawawawawawawa ;____; she is veryveryvery epic weiiiii ;w; and Nii-nii~ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute got panda ;w; ♥♥♥
piratelicker : YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YOUR DOUJIN ♥♥♥ and I got to meet ryo_hakkai and limbebe aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa happy~ >w< ♥♥♥ see you guys again tmr maybe this time I will sit on her lap lol
firnheledien : Thank you(?) for giving me a heart attack? XDXDXD LOL Igiko XD;; (we haven't met in YEARS and that's what I first see you as? XD)
ryuraijin and James : THANK YOU so much so helping me jaga my stuff! And sorry for all the inconvenience! ^^;
Pics sometime later when I can think coherently