さすが 先生 スゴイ

May 30, 2009 02:53

I used to think that teachers like Sawako-sensei from K-ON and Nanako-sensei from Lucky Star only existed in the realm of anime and manga - looks like I was mistaken XD;

Yamaki-sensei, graduate of Chuuou University, current Japanese Language teacher at Teikyou, more talk-rubbish-buddy than let-me-impart-knowledge-teacher.

Here's what she wrote on Thursday, when we were discussing events for Sports Day. She suggested baseball/handball, drew diagrams, suggested a female teacher vs students match, and listed down other teachers. (She put "watashi" as captain =w=; ..like a small kid..) seriously 勝手に..

And she wanted her team name to end with ズ(s), like マスターズ(Masters), or ティチャーズ (Teachers), so me and a few other classmates were throwing words that ended with ズ at her, no matter how nonsensical they were. 大豆(daizu - soya bean), 地図(chizu - map), チーズ (cheese)..... someone from the back of the class said マヨネーズ - mayonnaise. . . she really took it. o_o;

Look at what she named the students team.

Ketchups vs Tightly-squeezed Mayonnaise LOL how to translate ぎゅっと

teikyou, lol, japanese

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