Sep 10, 2005 23:07
wensday school started, schooll sucks, as do my classes. i have volleyball everyday after school, i hate it and i desperately want to quit, but my gay parents won't let me. thursday we had a game, jill marg & i got 3 kids numbers from brookline, it was a good time, very funny, they followed our bus in their jeep.. creepy, but hilarious. friday we had a scrimmage alex & vj kept score.. funniest thing ever, the other team accused them of cheating, it was hard to pay attention to the game while they were making alex & vj comments on the sidelines. it was hilarious, anyways then we went to corys & got fries, they went to alex's. thenn later i went to the movies with them & people. i spent like 10 dollars on those crappy picture things you can take at the movies haha ohh well. we saw that emily rose movie, it was very gooddd, gay people sat in front of us and that sucked.. yeahhh. today was david & donnas bday partys, david had 2 ponies, you had to be less that 100 lbs to ride them.. haa funny yeah donnas 50th was funny, just cause kayla john and i did nothing but make fun of everyone MARRIED MAN & GAME FACE.. sooo funnyy yeah cool. yeah and im realllyyy sick and tired of dealing with other people's crap, i realllyy am, and im pretty sure im turning into a cold bitch, but i really don't care, i've been incredibly moody/upset lately, it sucks harddcoree balllzzz. im very sick of people too.