We have been. Baby and I are more into a shedule now, but it's a busy one even on my "off" days. Mondays and Fridays we go to James' parents house and Sophie gets spoiled! Tuesdays I walk around and go to two local mummy and baby groups, one at our Church and one run my one of James' mums friend. Wednesday we have a afternoon walk in the park with my friend Cathy and her lab puppy Pepper and have tea and chats after. Sunday morning we go to Mass, which I'm actually finding really calming. I love the singing! It's our local Roman Catholic Church and not only is our wedding date booked in now (Saturday 16th May 2009), we've had the Priest round for dinner (I got so nervous I accidently overloaded the menu with cheese. Shepards pie with cheese, califlower cheese, cheesecake and a cheese board. I don't know how. Don't ask. Luckily he was a cheese man.) and he's lovely and, most emotionally for me and espically James' family who are all varying strictness Catholics, Sophie was baptised in a beautiful, candlelit Easter night Mass. It was lovely and the dress she wore is from James' family and is over 130 years old. Bloody heavy though! There were THREE petticots. She really didn't like getting dressed up in that.
She's almost five months now. She talks back to you when you coo at her, she rolls over onto her belly but can't get back again yet, she's holding her head up fine and most importantly she laughs. I thought I couldn't fall more in love with her, but when she laughs with me! Oh. Besotted still.
She always looks so cheeky.
Bumbo love.
Mummy won't stop glomping me!
Daddy, you're silly.
James' mummy and Sophie (I will be killed for this, but I love this photo.)
Being baptised. This is how much she hates bathtime as well! As soon as she's out of the water she's happy as larry again.
No-one will ever know how LONG it took to get this picture. Everytime you get a camera out to take a picture she stops and stares. Attention span of a nat!! Worth the effort though, dispite my chipped nail polish!