welcome to the zoo

Jan 06, 2011 12:09

Edric has to have surgery next Tuesday the 11th. He has an inguinal hernia, and they have to remove it. The surgery is super easy and he'll be home that day, but I'm so nervous. Who wants their 11 month old to have surgery? I get to stay with him through the entire surgery, but I don't think I could handle it. Seeing his sweet sleeping face, and then seeing a doctor make a small cut in his abdomen, I'd lose it completely.
My little nugget :(

I started a job at Loon Mountain this week, so far I really like it. It's obviously only seasonal, but I get a little more money, and I get out of the house a few hours a week.

Saturday, I'm spending the gift certificate Blais got me for Christmas and getting a new tattoo. The artist is drawing it up and I can't wait.

Sunday, I'm working 10-3 at my first job and 3:30-10 at Loon, I'm going to be exhausted... then I have a few days off to spend with my sweet little boy before and after his surgery.

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