[music| cold(but im still here) - evans blue]
The ppl staying in my house are really starting to piss me off.. francis (mums 'other half') has his parents over from newzealand and just recently his daughter came here to stay for a week... they all think they r better than me.. oma and opa (francis' parents) and francis are alwaz telling me to get out of the house and stop sitting infront of the computer... its my holidays why should i have to do stuff i dont want to... and all i have to do is play on the comp, i can watch stuff on here and talk to my friends... i cant watch stuff on the actual tv cause they r using it all the time and wats the point in watching it in my room when i can just watch it here where it is easier... Laura is just seriously weird.. she talks to herself all the time and she says the randomest shit and half the time u cant understand her... im just so tired of them all being in my house for sooo long.. too long... oh well only 1 week to get through but then skool starts again and i havent done my assignment which seriously sux... i just cant be bothered at the moment *sigh*
at least i have my qaf mood theme ^.^ *just spent ages trying to make it work* lol
edit: byebye qaf mood theme i want my dead like me one back lol..