May 21, 2005 16:06
ok.. so my mom isnt selling my truck because i brought all of my 4 F's up to c's and above.. and i get my liscence june 17.. but my pretty red truck is going to be out of commision for about two weeks because im going to bag it.. ( yes carly.. i know its lame) but i like it.. and my trucks built for me.. and not anyone else :D.. and ya.. who woulda thought that being a good bf was so damn hard.. but im patient and trying hard.. things seem to be better now.. its been a while since i wrote in this damn thing.. and im goin to the fair tonight with natalie.. if her parernts let her.. if not.. im going to pull a david and randomly show up at her house without calling.. well ya.. its been a pretty good school year for the most part.. only like.. two things have gone really bad.. the rest has been good.. there arent that many seniors that i am going to miss.. prolly just carly cuz shes the only one who talks to me anyways.. im soooooooooo definately not going to miss cody clem.. cuz hes gonna be here next year anyways.. i realllllllllly hope i get on snare.. but if not its ok.. i really like tenors even tho brittney is better neways and i suck.. but who cares.. well im off to shower and call my better half( my gf) as brittney likes to say...