Nov 12, 2004 20:11
Today was fun, the parts I remember. In the morning me, Michelle, Jessica, and Alyssa play hackysack and today it was raining, so of course, we played in the rain. It was much fun. A lot of people felt the need to stare as they walk by, which I guess you cant blame them, I would probably stare too. Charlie came out for like two minutes. Jeremiah refused to and so did every other person we knew. We were soaked, and cold, but it was all worth it.
In shop...ummm. I dont know what we did first period. Appearantly nothing interesting. Second period we went over to the navy simulator. We had to fill out cards before going over there, and it asked for best time to call so me, Michelle, and Shannon put never. Mrs. N would have been pissed, but I really dont give a fuck, I can write whatever the fuck I want for when I want them to call me. I dont have caller ID so I'd be picking up the phone every time they called and screaming at the navy isnt the greatest idea I suppose, I dont know why, but I am assuming it wouldnt be. So we went on that thing. Me, Michelle, Alyssa, and Jessica sat in a row together. I freak out over small dark spaces but I was actually fine, mostly because there were people with me. So then it started to move, they screamed so we screamed. We have no idea what it said or what the point was, all we knew was it was moving and we were having fun screaming and making jokes. Michelle gets motion sickness appearantly =P Good thing she was the first to get out. Third period we worked on our projects, which is fun so I dont mind that. So overall, shop was pretty good minus one thing that I refuse to write in here considering its nothing I am getting involved with.
In history we had to do our current events. I of course forgot. I dont care that I forgot because we now have to stand in front of the class to present. I'll die, but I'll get over it, the worst that can happen is me vomiting which would get me out of other presentations so maybe it would be a beneficial thing.
In english we...didnt really do anything. We never do. Its the most useless class of my day. Charlie came in and was asking for money, my social anxiety kicked in and I refused to tell him I had money, I always have money, but he was on the other side of the room and I didnt want to yell across so I sat there feeling like an asshole for not saying something =P I regret everything I do, dont I suck.
In math I had a test. I didnt get to finish the damn thing. I knew how to do it though, so that is part of the reason why. I am going to finish it on Monday, she is grading what we already have done before then so I will know if there is a chance in passing. I hope I passed the fucking thing.
In lunch...hmm. I wonder what happened. I dont remember. Oh, Michelle attempted to play bloody knuckles, but um she doesnt really know how or whatever and I never learned the way she was trying to do it. (that made no sense, I suck) So it was more like attempting. I left two marks on Alyssa, all the rest of the times I either missed or didnt hit her hard enough, but at least I left two marks and wasnt a complete fucking retard. Michelle left one mark on me, which is now gone, but I will pretend its still there just for her =P
In pool we did the safety test. I had water dripping on me the whole time, very obnoxious. So I finished that as quickly as possible and then me and Alyssa talked the rest of the time. Ross talked to me a little. I havent talked to that kid since forever.
Biology, sucked, as always. I kind of took notes today, but then my short attention span kicked in, which it usually does since the teacher makes everything so fucking boring, and I stopped taking notes.
The bus was terrible compared to how it usually is. It was so fucking loud because everyone felt the need to scream. I sat with Alyssa as always and Jeremiah sat where he always does but he had 15 to himself since Charles wasnt there. Amy sat in front of us, and she screamed the whole time. Jessica had to sit with the bitch. Jess gave me candy though, that was just about the only good part. Me and Jeremiah talked most of the way home. Mirela asked me where Charlie was, so it became the "guess where Charlie is" game between me and Jeremiah. My guess was he was in Sparta. I guess it was a good guess, no clue, and I will most likely never know. I didnt get to give that bugger the song list though. I actually remembered today too.
I got home and was a lazy fuck. Then Alyssa asked me to call her so I did. Then I helped mom with dinner, burned myself twice because I am mentally retarded. Then I ate dinner ever since I am oh so annorexic (fucking bastards) Then I took a shower. Then I talked to Rachel, and wrote this and now I am bored.
The end.