stay out of malibu, lebowski

Aug 02, 2004 21:58

Well. I'm back in dreary Philly. *crickets chirp*

Er, there's no way I can do writercon justice. I'm not talking the panels here, because I'm horrible and didn't attend that many--I'm talking the physics-defying dimensions of kickassishness that is hanging out with so many wicked cool girls at one time. More succinctly--it rocked hard. Talk about finding love through the internet.

Now I go to 1) overdose on squee and endless love, and 2) rack my tipsy cerebrum for my favoritest moments from Vegas. *sloshes*

And, to exorcise my two counts of Christina, the Asshole: I will never again sing in public, and I will refrain from telling people they should friend me back. But I will always have White Russians.

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