Jill you have nothing to be mad at this has NOTHING to do with you....you are just mad at lauren and maybe me because you are listening to megan if you were to hear what me, lauren and kamie have to say you would probably change your mind....I can't beleive you...
really Janet?? This has NOTHING to do w/ you either so I don't think you should be saying anything, your just on Laurens side because you two are best friends. Megan told me what happened & you, Lauren & Kamie can lie all you want but I'll never change my mind.
Jill i am not on any ones side i that all this is bull shit....and yeah i know it has nothing to do with me but every one is mad at me cause i am friends with lauren...so i guess this does have something to do with me....You are only on megans side cause you havent heard laurens side of the story...maybe if you did you would change your mind....
& at the play tonight I'm gunna be sitting w/ Ashley & Megan
so I guess I won't see you.
and Not To Be Mean..But I'd Be Mad too!
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