(no subject)

Aug 04, 2009 21:01

 That pole dancing routine I was so worried about?

It's in the bag.

Basically, we got to do a run-through of all our routines, and I am amazing.  Not that this is news to any of you, but you know.  I was brave and went first (or rather, everyone went 'Hey Adrienne, how about you go first?' It was like they have this notion that I'm a performer or something).  Everyone said it looked awesome.  And, I'm just gonna be a bit smug here, but they didn't say that about any other routines.  =)  It may be because after I finished, they all went 'Oh shit, now I'm gonna have to do mine!' and were practicing, but we're going to pretend that's not the case.

It's going to be a fun recital.  We have a nice mix of routines.  Kim and I have more of a lots-of-cool-aerial-tricks-minimum-sexy-dancing thing going, Romani has the most  adorable  burlesque routine, Summer's doing a typical pole dancer number, and Francesca... oh my goodness.  She has the most hammed up stripper routine.  She literally rips her shirt in half and throws it at the crowd, and ends the number with giving her fiance a lap dance.  It's hysterical.   The group routines are really good, too.  I was secretly pleased 'cause Kim and Romani claim that I'm the reason our number looks so good.  What can I say, it's leftover Summer Theater butt-kicking habits.  Plus, I can count music consistently, absorb choreography like a sponge, and am in the front for 90% of the dance.  But really, I don't mind the praise.

So, my lovely readers, if you're in the area and have nothing to do at 7pm on Friday, you should come.  It's free!  (Though they do have a tip jar, if you're so inclined).  And there's cake.  You can't go wrong with free cake.

Ecdysiast Studio.  Tell your friends.


Okayokay I'm done bragging now.
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