(no subject)

Mar 29, 2009 13:35

 I has a kitty!!!

Thursday I'm walking through the parking lot at work, and my boss comes out the door and goes, "Adrienne! Do you want a kitty?"  I, needless to say, was rather confused, seeing as we're a dog daycare and all.  She then proceeded to explain that Diane, one of our customers and a close friend of Jill's had taken this cat who's owners were getting a divorce and neither of them could keep him.  But the cat absolutely hated every last one of Diane's eight cats.  He was fine with her five dogs, but the cats, not so much.  So Diane decided to board him until she could find a home for him.  Laura happened to mention to Jill that I'm a fan of cats, hence her asking me.  I ended up talking with Diane, and yesterday went to meet him.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Sweetest cat EVER.  They put us in a room together, with him all curled up in his cat bed.  I let him sniff me, and within minutes he was twining himself around my legs and purring up a storm.  He's a long haired tabby.  He drools.  All he wants to do is cuddle.  So I told Diane I'd take him.  I ran around and getting things like a litter box, ect.  She was really nice and bought me two huge bags of food (he's on a special diet for some urinary thing).  Then we met up at the vet/boarding place, she gave me a hug, and I was on my merry way, cat in tow.

The name he had was Baxter.  Now, I really, really hate that name.  Mostly 'cause we have a poodle at work named Baxter, and if I haven't told you how much I hate poodles, let me enlighten you.  I hate poodles.  And, the name really didn't suit him at all.  After much deliberation, I've decided he's going to be Grayson, after Dick Grayson, aka the first Robin, currently Nightwing.  I was also seriously considering Flynn, but decided that keeping the same number of syllables would make it slightly less confusing for him.  He's two.  Last night, I had him in my room with me, and he spent the entire night curled up next to me.

I finally have a friend.

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