Jan 16, 2006 20:22
So, I actually forgot this until right this second. So I will write it so that this person can see and will then proceed to laugh while secretly wondering whether or not I am pissed.
Dear Kelly,
Last night when my car doors were frozen shut, you must have pulled too hard on the door handle because currently the passenger side door is broken. Which means that in order to allow a passenger into my car, the door can only be opened from the inside. This was very mean of you. It's very obvious you are trying to worsen the already existing tension between Eduardo and I. Do you secretly wish us to break up? I want you to know it's currently the most annoying thing in my life, and it's your fault. You are a mean person.
Love Always,
Kerri. The girl who doesn't break cars. Or viciously go out of her way to hurt Eduardo.
Speaking of frozen car doors, como why did the weather turn so freezing? I would say that 13º is definitely too cold. Eduardo had about eight hernias trying to drive me places and stalled out about sixteen times. This is turn, caused me to have about 32 ulcers because it's wicked scary. Ask Jodi. She knows.
Speaking of Jodi. She has a star.
Give KJK a 4-day-weekend and we will rock it. Hard. It couldn't have started off better - Thursday night and the OC and KJK are reunited. In anticipation, Jodi and I locked ourselves in the bathroom and went on a make-up rampage. Kelly has the pictures. They are scary. Then Kellbell was jealous and wanted to come in so we let her but then her makeup had a theme. Jungle. And then we decided to freak out and get as many kisses on each other as we could - then ask Kelly's sister to take our picture and judge our sanity. But then, OC was approaching so we HAD to wash our faces. So we did (a.k.a. Jodi washed her face and Kell and I succeeded in blending a coat of lip gloss onto our faces). Then swiftly after an hour of magic, we headed to the hot tub, our favorite place to be.
Then Friday was spent waiting for 8 PM by doing my hair, my makeup, my nails, picking out a cute outfit, singing in the mirror, jumping on my bed, watching disney channel, ETC. Then I went to Trevor's where we ended up staying in because I wanted to and I always get what I want. No, I'm kidding. It was Trevor's idea for us to stay in and I obeyed him because I'm supposed to?
Saturday Trevor and I went out because we stayed in the night before and I figured I oculdn't be a whiner two nights in a row. And yeah. That's about all I'm really going to say. It was one of the nights you think about the next day and all you can really come up with is a good old, "Um, what?". No, but it was fun. I had fun. And to set the record straight, I am not a dead fish. I am a cute, spunky goldish. Thank you.
Then Sunday I woke up at 5:40 AM for no reason (a.k.a. I had freaking work) and that was unfortunate. Then I headed to Jodi's because we were going to P-Town. Jodi got her tat! It was such a cute moment. We loved Kristian (Kristopher?) and Andrea and their cute baby. And Lisa, oh my god, Lisa. She got balanced. And basically cracked us up for the entire time. Then I held Jodi's hand as a man with blue balls hanging from his chair drew a star on her. There was also a HUGE spider on the wall from Peru. Then Jodi's mom got a pretty butterfly and endured more pain than anyone and it was sad. But she's a trooper and Kelly has 18 thousand pictures that she can show you. Then KJK sat on a heated chair in a bar and then we headed home. We conquered P-town, and for the rest of her life Jodi will remember that I held her hand when she got tattooed and I think that's the cutest thing ever. Yay.
Today Jod and I ventured out to OBW where we were severely let down, then I made enemies with a woman who apparently couldn't understand my english. Then we ate lunch. And bought candy at a candy store because we are cute like that. Kelly just told me to read her journal and now I want to so bad so I'm going to wrap this up.
Mid-terms this week. Then I basically quit school. Everytime I write in my journal, the entry gets deleted and I have to write it over. Which happened here. Whatever.
Did you know it was about a year ago that we had Snow Week? What do you think about that, bitches?
Yeah. That's what I thought. Peace it!