Nov 21, 2005 20:31
Hi there.
I auditioned for all-cape on Wednesday! And guess what! I got in! And now, since I must brag at least a little - I scored the second highest in the alto section on the Cape! Okay. I'm done.
This weekend was...a weekend.
Friday night, Katelyn was in town. So naturally, KC, her mom, me and Kellbell went to see Oklahoma. It was good. I wish I had been in it. But only for the time that I was watching the show. It was just so weird to be the one saying "good job" instead of the one hearing it. I don't know. I talked to Mr. Ricci and Ms. Fournier who I love and they both were so nice. And then Jerry was nice of course. And now you guys don't even know who I'm talking about so I'll just wrap it up. Melinda and Kevin were impressive. They win my award for show savers!
After the show I went back to Katelyn's for the night and you would think since we hadn't seen each other in a long time we would do something crazy and our style, but instead we just went to McDonald's then came back and watched [[Next]] over and over and over again until 2 AM when we finally decided to go to bed. Then Katelyn had to go somewhere in the morning so we ate monkey bread and then I went home. Where I filled out a myspace survey. And then went to work.
Work was boring and lame. So then I came home. And Kelly, Mike and I bitched and moaned about what we were going to do for the night. So after much bitching we finally decided to go see Walk the Line at 7:15, with Travis, and getting dinner. So we ended up seeing Harry Potter at 7:40 and eating at the food court. So that was that. Harry was good. I don't read the books, but I always like the movies. So yeah. Kelly sweats Cedric. I think I would say I sweat Harry. So then we went back to Mike's, where I thought we were having a fun time. But apparently, some people were offended and the night wasn't really as good as I at least had thought it had been, and then drama, drama - and that brings us to Sunday.
I worked more. And then came home. Did some college stuff. Talked to people. And went to bed.
And here we are at a 2 day week. Today was gay. But whatever. I'm over it. Tomorrow I have work. Wednesday is Stonehill. (And Mike comes home.) Thursday is Thanksgiving. Friday is..Friday. Unless you hear otherwise. No, I'm kidding.
Last words?
It's one thing to be mean.
But it's another thing to be mean and mean it.
If someone is mean to you. Be mean back.
When they mean it. That's just sad.
That's all she wrote.