May 16, 2004 16:58
Changed my journal around a little bit. On Friday I got my hair layered and highlighted. Haha, I love it and think it looks awesome. Spent my weekend with my friends Zack and Jenna. We all just hung out and went to the mall. We saw a play on Broadway on Saturday night which was awesome. Crashed @ my friend Thom's in NY and left he next afternoon. Jenna had to go back in the morning because her dad had a heartattack and minor heart failure which was awful. I felt so bad that I stayed with Thom and Zack. Weekends aren't always good. Summer is almost here, it sucks though that we have to go in until to 22 of June. We get a later start though in September. Sorry for not commenting in some of your journals, I haven't gotten comments either. Maybe everyone's out on summer vacation already! Hope you guys are having fun. Love every one of you.