Apr 27, 2014 12:45

This has been a terrific birthday week. Now granted, I didnt have a lot of expectations on what was going to happen and I also didn't have a lot of plans. But the plans I had were wonderful in my opinion.

Last weekend I travelled back to mom and dad's because i was supposed to do a photo shoot with my niece for her senior pictures. She told me via messenger that she had to work all day the next day. Needless to say, I wasn't happy about it but I understood about the job inportance. So that meant that Saturday was going to be a fun day for me! Mom, Dad and i went to Cabela's in Dundee, MI to browse, then we headed to Weber's inn in Ann Arbor for a wonderful prime rib lunch. Came back home, then headed to visit a couple of friends I haven't seen in years, Ron and Greg. Both are doing great and they have this really cute scottish terrier named Rigsby. After visiting with them and a jaunt to Costco, I had another party to attend- my sister-in-law's birthday at a local watering hole called The Distillery.

The Distillery has been around for a VERY long time in south Toledo- about 25- plus years I believe. So we met there, I proceeded to have jager shots and $1.00 beers because of ... *cue cavernous echo* POWER HOUR *end effect*. It was a good time, but i left around 10:00 because I wanted to go out to the ghey bar.. R-House- my former home away from home.

Going to R-House was nice. It was also like "old home week" because I ran into one of the first guys i ever dated named David. pull up a chair- there's a story there, but I'll give you the highlights.

David- back in the day he was an adorable cubby of a guy. 6'2, 250 lbs of husky hotness. Well, as I said we dated for a hot minute then he decides he wants a family and kids. So, he meets Sherrie- at the gay bar he worked at BTW- and they become friends. she apparently falls for him quickly, and he loves her, but remember- he's gay. Sherrie all of a sudden gets pregnant with David's baby and they have David Jr in feb of '94. DAvid then proceeds to marry Sherrie in August of '94. It was a nice wedding- i was there, but i couldn't handle it. I was trying to resolve in my head what was going on. here's a gay man marrying the mother of his child. Why didn't anyone tell David that this was kind of screwed up? It wouldn't matter anyway. His mind was set. Flash forward to October of '95 and I ran into David again. This time it was after a friend of mine and I saw "Philadelphia". He and Sherrie were at the theater and we were all talking, when Sherrie said they need to go. apparently in the theater towards the end of the show, her water broke. Here comes baby #2, his daughter. I found this out because I ran into him at the grand opening of R-House. we wound up back at my place watching a movie and eating french bread pizza.

I didn't hear from him again until I saw him last weekend. His kids are grown, he finally divorced Sherrie because he was miserable not being who he was and moved back to Toledo from Ft. Wayne. Right now, he's doing ok. It was nice to catch up with him. Apparently there was an 8 month stretch where he moved to Cincinnati to work for Lone Star Steakhouse as a restaurant GM. It's funny where life leads you.

So anyway, back to my week. Easter was the get together at Mom's for the whole family. I had to bail early because I needed to be back in Cincinnati. Chris and I decided to go to Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville at the Casino for dinner. Just like any other Margaritaville, it was meh. But I did win $100 on the penny slots. so overall it was a good night.

The work week was ok. I'm working on a few projects at work that need a lot of coordination effort and I'm getting all that taken care of. Now, for my actual birthday, which was Wednesday. it was a very nice day. i met my friends Chad and Mike out at Madison diner where we had big burgers, and then I met another friend, Rafe over at the Moerlein Lager house for dinner. The only thing that would have made it better was if Chris didn't have to work, but it's a necessary evil and I completely understand. That's how nurses roll. :-)

Thursday i had a great lunch with a friend from work, Teena and Friday was lunch with my co-worker Sharon. Overall it was a terrific week and I got to end it yesterday spending the entire day with Chris, where we went to Red Robin, IKEA and just had a wonderful day being together.

Here's a recent pic of Me and Chris from Gatlinburg, a couple weeks ago.

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