Elitist Secret Society: Council on Foreign Relations

Sep 03, 2006 19:03

After seeing Alex Jones's Bilderberg 2006 documentary last night I was inspired to find out more about the Bilderberg Group. However, my research led me down a meandering path. What I came up with were some interesting facts about another important and powerful society known for its sercecy, the CFR.

First, I looked up what AP had on a keyword search for "Bilderberg." My search yielded a finances list dated from June 14, 2000 that was somewhat interesting. In it was a list of names of politicians along with some of their financial holdings, liabilities and recieved gifts.

The reason why this document came up in my search was because Christopher Dodd, Democratic Senator from Connecticut, was noted for going on a trip to Portugal for the Bilderberg meetings.

Joseph Biden, Democratic Senator from Delaware and ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was also listed as having recieved free airfare, room and board to attend a meeting with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

I quickly searched AP's archive for the keywords "CFR" and "Council on Foreign Relations", but no results came up. Intrigued,I continued my research on their websites http://cfr.org and http://foreignaffairs.org.

Founded in 1921, the CFR is a group of very powerful US and international politicians who occasionally engage in "private and secret activities," including the organization and and debate of their various controversial projects. According to their website, the use of secrecy is necessary to "use the occasions to test tentative opinions they have not yet fully thought through and developed." Here are just a couple of issues that are revealed to us on their websites:

1. The North American Union, an extension of NAFTA which will mandate a "common external tarriff and an outer security perimeter." Also discussed in this document is a plan for "a secure North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers," as well as "increasing labor mobility" between the three countries.

2.The NAFTA Superhighway, a proposed highway system linking the US, Canada and Mexico. An AP article states that the highway will be "built and operated by a U.S.-Spanish consortium" and that "many farmers and property owners will lose their land." The article goes on to say that Gov. Rick Perry is going to court to ensure that the details of the plan will be kept secret, in spite of the state attorney general's order to disclose the documents.

If you read through some of these documents, you will be shocked by many of the ideas put forth. I have listed two controversial ones.
To be fair, some of the ideas actually sound like good ideas. But that's not the point.

My point is, good ideas or not, what right do these public officials have to discuss public policies off the record? It's a violation of trust between the government and the people. We are the ones that pay these guys, we elected these guys, so we should know what they are talking about when they are deciding issues that affect all of our lives. If they have "ideas to test" then let them test the ideas out on us, instead of always telling us what we want to hear.

Another point that needs to be made is: why is it that in the whole archive of Associated Press articles, not one story mentions the CFR? Just look at all of the controversial topics they discuss openly on their own website. None of those things are newsworthy? Granted, I was able to find some information about specific topics such as the NAFTA Superhighway. But the idea for the NAFTA Superhighway came out of a CFR discussion that occurred back in 2001. And now, in the AP article dated July 2006, it is quietly becoming a reality.

It's a disgrace to democracy that these people are powerful enough to initiate their own agendas. However, by letting them know that we know what's going on, we can at least force them to change or delay their strategy. America is still a democracy, so there is still hope that we can expose these secret societies and push the modern day robber barrons out of power.

That's why it's great that we have someone like an Alex Jones, messing with the Bilderbergs, taunting them as they drive by in their limos...
Alex Jones: (sing-song voice) "Hi! We're not you're property, we're not you're slaves! We're gonna defeat the New World Order!"
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