Yesterday was Street Scene with Boobfest. Dad picked me up from school, went home, got Jessikah, then he took us to the trolley station. We almost didn't get off at the stop we were supposed to cos we thought we were supposed to get off at 12&Market, not 12&Imperial jaja. So we got there and waited in line for a while then we saw all these kids running screaming, "OMGOMGOG AFI I'M GOING TO MEET AFI OMG !!!!" and it was really funny. So we just followed them. And got in line to meet AFI jajaja. So they were supposed to come at 5:30 and we had been there since like 4:45 something and so many people were cutting and the line got huge in front of us and we were so close to the front and so they LEFT and we didn't get their autographs or anything. Oh darn. And while we were in line we saw Corinna, Veronica, and the twins John and something so they were with us for a while. After we went to THE KILLERS omg yumyuymyum they were soo goooooood and after we got in line to meet them and we did yaaayayay and omg I love them and they signed the cd I bought and the poster and I got a picture with Brandon<3333. And I went to get free stuff haha and I SAW MATT PORTER! He killed a worm in 7th grade when we were doing a lab. So after we saw Jimmy Eat World. They were really good but they sound totally different. And we met these 3 really cool people. RICE MAN is the best. Then we stayed in for AFI and died so the 7 of us left. And then me, Jess, Amer, and Bazzi got food and stuff and sat forever. Then went to Social D and watched for a while then I got super tired so me and Jess left around 11:30 or something. And on the way we heard Ludacris yaaaaaayuh HOOOOO. Then we sat at the water fountains for a while and then we got picked up and took her home. I woke up so early this morning. I thought the clock said 9:43 but 15 minutes later I realized it said 8. BAH.
Things at school are looking up.
I don't know if I'm doing anything today.
And tomorrow Rancho.
I'm watching Matilda. I love this movie so much. I never get tired of it.
alex and my fang hahahha. and boy!
joe alex and something
ty, garrett, joe, alex, me
barbie hiding
so cute
alex and joe look so #*%&Y(*fucking adorable and im ugh
me and my slutface<33333
she's so adorable and i always make fucking stupid faces
hahahhahahhahahhahha. boobfest has hairy legs. but she shaved a couple days ago YAY.
i didn't do anything to this picture and it looks so cool.
jessikah boobfest
margaret !!! mummified CHICKEN from 6th grade jajajajajja
more chickens
i played
i saw christina !! i see her everywhere
my new shoes !
the kid