im in some shit now...

Mar 01, 2006 12:41

Ok so most of you know by now that my moms car was stolen on Sunday Feb. 20, 2005. Well turns out the cops dont know who did it so they are blaming it on me!! So i dont know what to do. I'm like in the shithole for something i didnt even do! So my mom went to the cops when i was in school today and she turned me in... So i guess i have to be on probation for a long time, and my parents are grounding me! They are taking me to court and prosecuting me as well, so i dont know if im going to juvi, or if i have to do community service. So now im just in a world of shit... i dontknow what to do, and my parents wont listen to me, so just have to go along with what life gives me. I know this will pass but i dont know how long it wil take.... I just hope i dont lose any of you as friends so ill try and keep in touch as long as i can, and i should be able to be on the internet so just hit me up on aim... xxForeveriburn... Well i guess ill see you all around, hopefully...



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