Oct 04, 2004 16:14
To you who call me "freak,"
I accept the name gladly.
To you who shun my ways,
I enjoy my hobbies the more.
To you who say I'm strange,
I embrace my quirks with open arms.
To you who criticize my thinking,
I express myself louder than ever.
To you who wear a happy mask around me,
I reveal myself in full view.
To you who quail at my cynicism,
I curse you out at full volume.
To you who stare at my choice of clothes,
I will come to school naked if it pleases me.
To you who disgrace my writing,
I will publish my works myself if need be.
And to you who then call yourselves Christians,
I pity you with all my heart.
I have now finally realized. It is time to change. I am dead on the inside now but not forever...............................