
May 03, 2011 02:27

Dear fiance,

For since before we were together, I have desperately wanted to experience a threesome.  Initially, it was for the novelty of being able to say I was in a threesome, however times have changed my feelings about sex and how gosh darn wonderful it is.  I want to approach you with this idea, however I am very afraid you might interpret this as me having feelings for another man or woman -- not that you are the jealous type, but sex is pretty intimate, so I would understand your hypothetical feelings on this.  I mean, I'm pretty sure I would be a little bit put off seeing you deep inside a woman that is not me (or a man, however there is a better chance I would be aroused by this).

Chances are the next time we have ourselves a bottle of wine I will confess this desire, because I love you and want you to know about the things I think about, and hope that you don't misinterpret my liberal sexual desire as an excuse for infidelity.

your Potato.
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