basically a pointless update.

Apr 17, 2006 19:52

I'm having an '18th' party in Certificate 18 in York tomorrow, if anyone's in town GET YOURSELF DOWN!

I sound like a breakfast show DJ, ha. Should be a larf, I'm going to try and document the night.. and then make myself sit down and put it on here, eugh.
To make this entry have some remote interest, here's a picture of me when I went for my organised-at-the-last-minute adventure in London the last week.

I don't have any knowledge of photo editing in photoshop so I had to turn it black and white to cover up how dreadful and tired I looked, just in case anyone wondered, y'know. But yeah, this is me showing my age when me and Jacob went to have curry in Brick Lane. Apparently everyone was muttering under their breath because we kept swearing loudly, tut. The curry was bloody gorgeous! ..and there was a rather disturbing murial of Princess Diana on the wall, along side lots of erotic Indian ones.

Just went on my old photobucket by accident, oh the nostalgia!
How pretty is Patrick Wolf?! :

I hope he gets over his internal illness and tours soon.
Talking of which, is it just me or is this Patrick knitting...

I bloody hope it is. That was on one of the walls in the Eco Style exhibition in the Crafts Council that filled part of my time in London Town. I didn't actually read much of the information, just looked at the clothes, a lot.

It was ace, like a big scrapbook in a museum.
Hum, random: I really like the lyric "you don't pull my strings 'cause I'm better, man" in that Kooks song at the moment, it's really satisfying to copy his accent.
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