(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 17:14

Ee-aye! First garment made from scratch:

I'm a little bit proud, although yesterday I was really proud and excited, and now it's wearing off. I think I'm going to move the buttons down a bit so it's more under the chest and high waistband-y, like in my illustration. I wonder if anyone notices my blatant inspiration ...8) and it's going on zie catwalk in June with all the other tulip skirts, ooer!
Right, so... haven't updated this year yet, I kept thinking oo I'll update my livejournal, then forgetting straight after. Humm. What is going on in my life? Erm. I'm being dragged to Newcastle on monday for a hair competition as the guy who's been doing my hair got 3rd place at the other one, so now I have to waste a whole day I could be working on my project to get up at 6am and be driven with all these people (who I don't reeally know, but are really nice; as in, I'm not too sure how much conversation I can make, and may have to resort to anti-social mp3 listening) to have my hair blow-dryed. AND THEY DIDN'T TRIM MY HAIR LAST NIGHT. Grr.
Going to see Broken Social Scene next thurrs, providing I can still get tickets before it sells outs. I finally got their new album out of intrigue, which paid off 'cause it's soo good and I keep listening to it, and I recommend it, a lot. Oo and my Wind In The Wires vinyl came in the post yesterday, ach he's so pretty. Aand my Roisin Murphy CD should FINALLY be coming in the next couple of days, tut, hmv.co.uk, tut. (I got paid (a month late bloody shocking) and bought loads of stuff, like CDs x a lot, and a suave proffessional-y scanner, which, for some reason, feel a slight attachment to. Erm. So far I haven't bought aany clothes, get me, as I'm holding out for going to London/Glasgow (if that ever happens) but Miss Selfridge just keeps bringing out nice ad campaigns and I want that ace grey dress, and I've already started deciding things I want for my 'summer wardrobe' i.e next pay coming from, as yet, none existant job.)
I've been ordering Uni prospectuses recently 'cause I'm all excited and eager. I got one for The London College of Fashion, and I must say I really want to do one of their summer courses and I'd rather like to do a 2 year specific course thing after I've done a mixed fashion degree at Brighton, haha, really shouldn't set my heart on it so much, or wherever I go. The thought of living in London for a little bit makes me go all eeep! if you can imagine that as a facial expression, I'd probably tire of it after like.. a term, but never mind.
Hum can't think of anything else of interest to be honest, aagh and it's Home & Away in 9 minutes!!! I keep missing it and there's a new romantic storyline blossoming, and they're very cute pretty people.

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