(no subject)

Nov 20, 2005 17:57

Riight, time for an update.

First off, Will rang me up in the morning before college on Tuesday, and told me what had happened to Joe Lister, and even thouh I didn't know him and didn't know he was until I saw his picture later in the news, I nearly cried. Then I heard it all day on Radio 1 news and Mr Mitchell giving a statement to the press, and it was so awful, that he was so young and the fact it happened in those eery caves, and weird that it had happened to someone in my old school because you just never think something like that would happen near you. I find it so hard to accept when innocent people die, especially people of his age. I can't even imagine how his family feel. It's kind of like when my old friend's neighbor died, and he was only about 18/19 and he got hit by a train when drunk near Tesco, and he was so nice and I'd spoken to him once or something, it really hit me when I found out what had happened to him. I'm going to try and get to one of the gigs in memory of him, which is a lovely idea and all the money goes to some kind of memorial for him, and I've heard lots of good things about how the school is all pulling together :), although it's not been the same. And I hope Mr Power gets better, he is one of the nicest teachers at Tad and I bet they really had to try to make him not go back, I heard that he's trying to resign but Mr Mitchell won't let him, which just shows what kind of school Tad really is :). Also Aimee told me last night that a girl called Laura Wright who went to my old dancing classes had liked him for like two years and he was going to ask her out when they got back from Bewerly, which made it all even sadder, because it shows anything could happen to anyone at anytime, and then they're gone.

Now for all the utterly unimportant and vain sounding stuff you can probably tell I wrote that^^ bit after this. I finally have red hair, but I did not use the nice shade I got from superdrug, oh nono! I got it done for freeee ! Basically, I was sat getting my hair very overdue-ly cut and the manager walked past and (I have this short at one side long at the other thing at the back) goes you could do really cool things with colour with that cut, and my hairdresser was like *dissaproving tone* she's doing it at home (yeah, so we can't all afford bloody £60 for something we could do for £2.99 (superdrug is amazing)) and I was like weell I'm a broke student (well, I'm broke, and scrounging off my parents, so I think that's just, kind of) and he was like well, I don't normally do this, but do you want to do a hair modelling thing and you'll get it coloured and cut and stuff for free and all you have to do is sit and have your hair done and be free on these days ___ and I was like YEAAAH. So I went and they did it red, but they also did it like flames with the red getting lighter at the bottom of each side, and next time they're putting a bit of bleach on the end of the longer side which I've always wanted anyway.. that doesn't make much sense, I like it lots :D

Here's some attempts at pictures:

lol this one was on timer

hoho I am cam-whore extroadinaire, it's all curly because I am being forced to wear a scarf because my house feels like -10, I though heat was supposed to RISE for gods sake.

I also just found this picture of a slug on a wall downstairs from ages ago:

I think it was dead, there were little white insects on it :\ but it was funny because we've just had everywhere re-decorated and there was a big slime trail.

The Stella McCartney collection sold out before I could get to Leeds (the day it came out??) so I've kind of given up on the mac, as when I ring up and ask if they have stock they're like weell we don't know when we're getting stock in and are generally uninformative, and I found a nice one in Mango which is a really nicely tailored trench coat that's really nicely shaped and goes in at the waist and has net in the inside at the back to make it go like round and like a dress, kind of. £90's a bit pricey but I really need a coat.

I went into town today and handed in 6 newly snazzed up CVs to places needing Christmas staff, so I'm finally trying to get a job, and I hope someone at least rings me for an interview this time. I went in Topshop and saw Sarah and she was like yeah Thom's a wanker etc etc and she has a nice new guy, which she bloody deserves because she is the sweetest girl. She also said that Thom has glandular fever, which isn't funny because you can die from it :\ but I think when I say karma you know what I mean, it's all finally come back on him, and I wouldn't be suprised if he's caught it off some random girl. I asked her if they had any jobs going and she said yep and got me an application form and I was like eugh I hope they at least ring me this time, and she said she'd sit and tell me everything to write in it on Wednesday at college :D so even though it's apparently crap to work there, it's a job, and loads of friends work there so it'd still be ace.

I can't even remember anything I wanted to say now. Oh yeah, it was Will's birthday t'other day and I got him a mini accordian :D haha and a very good record (Ghengis Tron = so effing hot, and Will bums them), and we went out with all his college pals, Kirbymoorside accents are basically the best ever. We went to the Stone Roses then The Lowther (which is rather nice and studenty) then Ziggys :| there was a permanent thick fog of smoke the entire time and I was quite bored. But I made friends with this girl who goes to York college and works at topshop also called Katy(/ie), or well, Kate and she was ace and bought me a drink and we kept finding things we had in common including camp boyfriends (hoho) who we introduced and her boyfriend was like YOU'RE WILL SMITH! lolll. I drank way too much but didn't get drunk, I hate that, when all you can do is drink to make a place fun and it all wears off so it's expensive and you feel awful the next morning. My throat was bone dry. We stayed at Dan's in Pickering (I don't even know where that is, and still don't as I slept the whole car journey - they all have cars! it's well weird, and Will'll be driving soon = lifts :D) and he had THREE KITTENS!!! omg, I hadn't seen a kitten for ages so I was all eeeee! AND Will might, stress the word might, be getting a kitten :D !!! Omg, it will probably hate me because I'll just stroke it all the time and go eee at it, but I can't help madly loving kittens.

I NEED TO GO OUT WITH EVERYONE. I have my nice Xmas pizza hut meal :), but I want everyone at the next Grammar please (although the whole indie overload/realisation i'm not very individual and the way I dress is now rather alike to Topshop's main lines makes it less good, it's still ace), Aimee especially, we need to party!!! OH and I also want everyone at a gig on 19th December at Joes Well, I wanted i was a cubscout to play near me so I made Will organise a gig, haha, and then I made it be fancy dress, hahaha OH YES! It is near christmas, and it's £3 to get in (as opposed to 4) for those dressed up, as an incentive.

The line-up is:
-i was a cubscout
-Will's band The Author The Title (or maybe The Title The Author, god knows, although I should, but at this present second I can't remember, tut) INC. SAXOPHONIST that have proper names that I can't remember either. I hope that's not a secret/suprise aswell. I haven't heard anything they've done so I'm rather intrigued.) AND LOTS OF KEYBOARDS.
-If I Started Killing... Alex and James Seduced (hoho, that's like what Smash Hits does) and Ellen and Ben = ACE
-Rory are you playing??? If you read this? If so See See Rider :)
-And maybe Todd i was a cubscout's other band with his friend, and I've forgotten their name but they don't have any music on their myspace, so I'm also intrigued for this. I'm not sure but I think it's hardcore-y, but that's a guess from guitars being in one of their pictures. Hmm.

**I would like to point out that if anyone I know doesn't go in fancy dress I'm going to punch them.**
Plus I would rather like witty/interesting/diy costumes please.
There will be lots of partying after in Leeds, and everyone probably staying at mine like my party, (also if anyone from far away places came I could probably put you up because I'm just going to tell my parents the night before or something, and I want everyone I know to come :D, there are also lots of trains from Leeds!) although I think Todd's staying at Will's but yeah whatever! It'll all change on the night, and then not going to college the next day, 'cause we have to take Todd/probably B'ham people to the train station, goood 8).
I'll make sure to remind everyone of this nearer the time.
But yes, I write about really un-interesting samey things. I need to go do work on my Tshirt Customisation project, yeah, I do this for MARKS. Mwahaha.
Bloody hell, that wound up long, I apologise to those who thought oh I'll read this it's relatively short.. and now she's added to it and it's taking me hours to read, pfft and it's all pointless crap aswell! That's exactly what you thought.
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