There are nooo bad worrds for the cooast todaay

Jun 03, 2005 08:55

What's that? It's 08.55 AM? And I've been up since 7.30, and already been to the co-op to find £50 in my bank account? Ohh-ho yes.
I'm revising hardcore this morning - an hour of each science, then i dunno bumming around in Leeds for a couple of hours with Will, god I have such admirable priorities. But the morning is my most errm good work time. Yes. My vocabulary has gone to pot in this 'revision holiday'.

For Laura:

Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

One of mine is the same as her last:  making up new outfits out of my wardrobe  (has to be one of the funnest ways to waste time ever)/spending hours trying to make orange tights look good with at least one item of clothing owned by me, except, y'know, general bits of crap in my wardrobe on my floor/chair/over flowing draws that do not work with ANYTHING, I hate that, and it's usually the most interesting pieces that just won't go, so you wind up buying a load more clothes to go with that one item.

Dancing around on your own in your room, dancing has to be the best de-tensioner thing. At the moment I am very partial to doing this to the eighties cd Alex gave me, it is amazing, because he is amazing. We are bringing the eighties back! Because lets face it, that era was tooo good.

Sitting on the internet trying to find new music that is better than everything on your iriver that you are totally bored of, at the moment I am trying to find lots of early american hardcore/early nineties american emo stuff, and it's erm not very successful.

Going out. I find being cooped up in my room for a whole day, especially when for most of it I've been staring at a computer screen, I start to go slightly insane and I get all tense and it's horrible, so when I just go for a little walk, or (when I get my bike) go for bike rides or go buy food and stuff like that I feel really calm and free.

Watching T.V and films make me really relaxed because you know that you don't have to try or think or anything. In this holiday I've got back into my old T.V habits, and have managed to get slightly into Big Brother 6 : / god knows how, it's just quite interesting because there's a few intelligent people in the house this year, and I've grown rather fond of Kamal, a gay male belly dancer with one of those really nice afros, because he's really clever yet very funny and bitchy. The duvet covers in the house are the same as mine, whey.

I don't know who to tag so if anyone wants to do it (/waste some revision time), go ahead!

Sheryl Crow is cool.  I have decided in the summer I am going to go out for breakfast a lot, like in France.  I cannot wait to leave my school, and it seems the feeling's mutual with most of the WORLD (actually, just the majority of my friends list, and erm lots of people on myspace? Eugh I have been on the internet far too much recently.)

Good luck to everyone who has exams! Exams really should just die.
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