OOC: Takes place before
this thread!
*is in her quarters, having some quality time to herself. She has taken a sonic shower and is getting freshened up again, though pondering perhaps taking the time to curl up with a nice novel downloaded onto her PADD..*
*hears doorchime ring* Well, so much for that...
*calls out* Come in!
*feels awkward...*
You're no bother, Geordi. Come on in! What can I help you with?
*clears throat* Granted, last time we got together for something liek this, things didn't exactly go exactly as planned. But under the circumstances, I'm ready to try this again. *tries a smile*
*puts down her PADD and sits up a little more, her empathic abilities registering that this may be somewhat serious as Geordi is pretty upset*
Regardless, I'd like to help, if I can. Here. Have a seat and tell me what's going on.
*Troi moves over and makes room for Geordi on the couch. She then listens intently to what he has to say*
So...yeah. With everything that's been going on, I'm worried about my mental state. If I'm that succeptable to going nuts at the drop of a hat, then how can I be a good crew member? How can I effectively run engineering?
Well, it doesn't take my empathic abilities to determine that you're quite upset about all this. But the fact that you're coming to me is a step in the right direction.
You've been through a lot, Geordi. And it's not all your fault. There have been some very extraordinary things that have been thrown at everyone onboard this ship in recent weeks.
I wish there was something I could do to make it go away. My experiment didn't make things better, and I should have known better. I'm very sorry Geordi. -.-
*brightens a little* I found a Bajoran temple on Deep Space Nine! Through some of the rituals discovered within, I was able to return to something closer to my former self. Although even after this whole ordeal, I think I want to go back and learn more about the Bajoran religion. It's been awhile since I embarked on a personal study of this nature, and it seems pretty interesting!
*thinks for a moment* As for your initial concerns however, you seem to be on the right track, by acknowledging the concerns you may have and coming to me. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to make everything perfectly fine instantaneously...though times like this I really wish I did.
ALl I can say is that the best thing to do is take it a day at a time. And if you need me, I will be there, though in addition to that, I think maybe coming to see me once a week wouldn't hurt as well. Sound good?
I feel a lot better, Deanna. Thank you very much! *looks relieved*
*starts to say something else, however..but then changes his mind*
*is quiet for a moment*
...There is something else, but I think this is something I want to handle myself when the time is right.
And I'll see you this time next week if not before, okay? In the meantime, I think I'm going to clear my head a little more and go for a walk.
*heads for the door*
*grins as Geordi returns the wave and leaves, and then after mulling over the recent conversation, she smiles at herself over a successful session and then settles back into her couch, where she begins to read her PADD*
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