Philip Vakos, 26 y.o. of Masterchef Austalia 2 (yes last year's show which is just being shown here on Star World TV) lost 16 kgs from his pre-masterchef 93kgs.
How did he do it ? No carbs - chicken, steamed veg and 4 hour daily exercise for four weeks.
!!! This is him pre-show...
Him after the show... trying to be the Aussie Naked Chef (bum)
Him on FB... winningest smile there!
...pwede na sa V neck, the cardigan and the signature crucifix necklace.
I love na Greek guys.
and more
He's into boxing! and works out a LOT! Here he looks like my previous office's IT guy.
and more... pics of PV... from hi Harry Potter fan page community account... Social Network