Jul 27, 2004 14:08
s0 its raining 0utside. i think it's the m0st peaceful thing ever.my wind0w by the c0mputer is 0pen and i d0n't feel like cl0sing it cuz i can hear the rain, which makes me want t0 fall asleep its s0 peaceful.
i can't wait f0r empires t0m0rr0w! it's g0ing t0 be s0 exciting. i can't wait t0 get my unif0rm and see what my d0rm l00ks like. and wear my key ar0und my neck 0n 0ne 0f th0se key-h0lder thingys, th0se make me feel imp0rtant and special l0l. and then what else d0 i get t0 d0, yea then 0pening cerem0nies is g0ing t0 happen and i have n0 idea wh0 the band is g0ing to be. i'm just s0 excited th0ugh. i guess the weather is supp0sed t0 be pretty nice.
the 0ne thing that ticks me 0ff ab0ut empires is that all the little kids, wh0se first year it is, get t0 stay in d0rms. we didn't! j0 w0uldn't let us! i d0n't kn0w why it makes me mad..it just d0es. i guess its becuz we have t0 watch them.
but whatev its g0ing t0 be fun!!
A-D-I-R-0-N--D-A-C-K [[clap clap]]