Nov 30, 2004 15:47
-> well now that me and bryson are done and over with...should i give him back everything that he has gave me..i think i just might! in fact me and lindsey are going to go to his car during the day and rip up all the notes and letters he has ever written me and those fuckin nasty roses he bought me and throw them all over his car. Its not a big deal but will give me the satisfaction! lol. Im seriously over with the lies and immaturity... i can't handle it. Its like he is a little kid! hes a good person just we dont connect on that certain level anymore.
-> John... well becky came over today and was telling me how she had just seen Oliver(johns youngre brother), and Christian (his friend), and how they were talking and olivre had her if she had seen ojhn while he was down here.. and She said yah while he was driving my car, and he was like what ? He drove her car, because when i was with john on thanksgiving and Oliver was there we all were in Johns car not mine.. and he was telling becky how his girlfriend didnt want him to come down here because of me and stuff.. and Becky asked ifit was Paigey and Oliver said yah. and she asked if they were still together and he said yah he was with her the day before he came down here. and then becky left.. i call him after she tells me all this and i asked him if him and paigey were still together because he told me that they had broken up like 2 weeks ago and didnt "date" anymore.. he said NO they dont go out or w/e and got defensive saying his brother doesnt know about his life blah blah and how he had to go eat and would call me back in 10 minutes i said dont bother and hung up! Who can you belive these days... noone.. lets see whut he has to say later...