well this weekend was great, friday i cleaned my rooom because my girlfriend was coming for the weeekend. i waited for her, she got her around 9 30 pm haah after taking a taxi that doesnt know around this place.
i spent the whole weeekend with her just me and her
monday i was sick and didnt goo to schoool
today was pretty cool, i went to school, actually did all my work, came home and waited for my friend shanae to comeover
it was just me and her, we decided to watch the movie CRASH, it was goood. she went home after and then i just drank some sparks on my own and went on the comp ahaha for the rest of the night pretty much it
i really rreally really really miss my fucking soulmate sarena, nooo joke fuck glendale ahaha i hope i see her this coming weeekend, and and and my britt!!!! ahhahahhaaah fucking bitch come see mee already!!!