hung out with tom today

Oct 10, 2004 00:05

it was a kool day all we did was hang out and play video games and we long boarded round his hood. I kicked the long board out from under him but didnt think he would go flying i almost caught him but was laughing to hard. hes kool wit it but prolly wont want to hang out with me again for it lol.

the subject of the corey (i just relaized at this moment alot of my life revolves round her)

she still hasnt been online so i dont kno whats going on with her and i kno i am a loser for saying this but i am kinda worried bout her. like something mondo bad could happen to her and i woudlnt be there to talk to her. but if something really bad happends i am shure she would call me if she finds my # lol.

tom told me some stuff she has said bout me that i was very suprised about. i cant remember exactily what they were at the time but they had soemthing to do with me and her lol, god damn my polishness. well i am off to play kol like an ass. later for now.
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