What time is it now: 7:43PM
Your Name: Danielle
Your Nickname: Dannie. Dan. Dan A Fran. Danielle Bugs. Grannie
Your Online Name: xxDan A Fran
Your sex: Gurl
Your Age: 15
Your Sign: Virgo
Your height: 5'2
Your weight: 121
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: blue/green
Hair length: JUST laying on my shoulders [got the bad kid cut :D]
Do you wear glasses: When i take out my contacts.
Are your teeth straight: THEY FRICKEN WERE!!! [not anymore thanks to BRACES]
Do you have freckles: Yes
Do you have a fake tooth: Lol, nope.
Do you have a fake eye: No.
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: LMAO! noo!
Your religion: Catholic
Highest level of school: 10th grade?
Do you work: Nope
How do you dress: whatever i wanna wear. :]
Do you smoke: no
Do you drink: sumtimes
Do you do drugs: Nope
Do you have friends: yess
Do you have online friends: yes
Do you like your friends: A'course
Do you like your online friends: duh
Got any kids? lol, heck naw!
Got any pets? Yes
Got a car? No
Live on your own? Nope
Live with your 'rents? Yes
Type of music: Whatever sounds good at the time. :]
Actor: Matthew McConahay. John Cusack
Actress: Kate Hudson & Julia Stiles.
Movie: Gigli :D
Soda: Dr. Pepper & Mountain Dew
Food: Pickles. Chicken tenders & rasberries! yum
Car: Envoy. F150. Jeep Wrangler. Kio.
Hobby: Going online. Hanging out w/ friends. Writing. Reading. Softball
Sport: Softball :D
Artist: None
Author: Judy Blume
Song: Here w/o you - 3 doors down. Cant stop, wont stop - Young gunz & So many more!
Color: Black & Blue
TV Show: Real World. Ginger & Boy meets werld.
Brand of clothes: American Eagle. :]
Record Label: Virgin?
Online chat thing: Aim
Shape: Heart
Texture: hah ;]
Game: Life. & the sims.
Place: Chicago
Year: 2001-2002
Holiday: Christmas & Valentines day<3
Animal: Froggie
Sound: Music
Book: Judy Blume - all of her books are great. :]
Drink: Sirmoff - twist.
Have you lied: yes
Do you lie: Not daily.
Do you lie often: Nope
Do you lie to save your own ass: Yes
Do you lie to save someone else ass: Sumtimes.
Love life:
Are you single: Yes
Are you with someone: No
Are you married: no
Are you divorced: no
Are you "Separated": no
Are you "on break": no
Ever been in love: yes
How many times: once
Looking back do you regret it: Nope
Do you date people you meet online: No.
Do you date people you meet at bars: no
Do you date people: yes
Do you "net date": no
Are you happy with your current status, why: Most likely. I enjoy being single. :]
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: Yes
Are you still holding on to the past: Yes
The following apply to you?. Y/N
Witty: no
Charming: maybe
Quiet: never
Loud: Yes
Pretty: Sumtimes
Radical: LMFAO! Tee & Coll -
Sucky: No
Smart: I think so.
Stupid: Once in awhile
Dumbass: Sumtimes
Ugly: No
Slow: yess ;]
Fast: Depends on what it is -
Talented: Not really
Useless: No
Punk: No
Young: Yes
Old: No
Dashing: no?
Daring: Sumtimes
Dainty: No
Powerful: No
Athletic: Yes
Artistic: Nope
Superhuman: No
Sexy: I could be?
The following are Good/Bad
Rap: Bad
Love: Good & Bad
Pain: Bad
Happiness: good
Pop music: bad
Anime: bad
TV: Good
Country: good
Metal: bad
Nu-Metal: bad
Death Metal: bad
Industrial: bad
Punk Rock: good
Easy Listening: bad
Korn: bad
Sega: Good
Nintendo: gooood!
Play Station: good
Game Boy: good
Chinese Food: good
Italian Food: good
Japanese Food: good?
Mexican Food: good
Online Quizzes: Good, but annoying.
Online Surveys: good
Do you like it? sure
Do you have any? Sum - rite now.
Do you make a lot of it? No
Do you get your money through illegal ways? no
Do you pay taxes? no
Do you think you shouldn't have to? no
Who did you get this survey from? Julia Kopsdlfjsf-SKI
Do you swear that this is the last survey you'll ever post in your lj, you fuck? STOP SWEARING! but - no.
What time is it? 8:03