Nov 03, 2007 18:29
ive been given a couple invitations to audition for serious scholarship money to some music schools. (life has its advantages when you play under a well-known flutist. most people are just sending in applications right now and wont hear back until like april. im getting offers. but ill be honest-its really mr zook who deserves the credit for these invitations) im not sure if im going to take any of them yet- im really leaning towards a state school for undergrad work cause genetic engineering definately isnt offered at conservatory.
So 6 months with tommy came and went on october 21st and things are still as good as they were when we first started dating. 6 months isnt a very long time so its nothing to flip over, i know, but i still thought that it was kinda cool i can manage to not fuck things up for half a year (and counting). his true test will come in december when he babysits sara. lol. but sara absolutely adores him so im sure everything will be fine. i never thought id meet someone who fit so well into my family and my life. the one and only thing that im not crazy about is the fact that he's not a musician. sometimes its really maddening to need to vent about auditions or music and shit and not have him truely understand where im coming from. but, everyone has their priorities and interests and most of the time its a wicked wicked easy thing to overlook. just sometimes, i think itd be nice to have a musician to talk to. but i guess it works on two ways no civil engineer and ive never been to college, so its hard for me to understand those things when he talks about them.
in other news, i completely kicked ass on my SATs! 670 on the critical reading or whatever the hell that sections called and similar scores in math and writing.
miss merrill has been absent the past couple days and left a video of the blue man group for us to watch. they are pretty fucking awesome. and i want to go see them. and i want everyone who can read this to come with me and see them. (im in a very demanding mood tonight.)tickets in the not-so-excellent seating section are pretty affordable. (and thats coming from someone who only makes 40 bucks every other week)
oh...and im going to see wicked november 10th. mum came home and surprised me with tickets one night. im ready to cream myself from excitement. =P