Apr 24, 2006 01:26
Quiet x Chaos: polina said.. dress nice on wednesday
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: thats it
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: now i'm not even wearing clothes
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: just to spite her
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: no
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: i'll wear my fucking simpsons boxers
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: and my bunny slippers
Quiet x Chaos: please don't
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: and a top hat
Quiet x Chaos: fuck that.. only i can pull off the top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: you could never pull off a top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: ever
Quiet x Chaos: are you fucking kidding me...
Quiet x Chaos: im gonna go now ant
Quiet x Chaos: because you've angered me
Quiet x Chaos: but...
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: the truth hurts
Quiet x Chaos: next time i see you
Quiet x Chaos: i'll be in a top hat
Quiet x Chaos: and you'll eat your heart out
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: go for it and when people point and laugh and yell out "NIGGA YOU CAN'T PULL OF THAT TOP HAT WHO YOU KIDDIN!" i'm gonna say i told you so
Quiet x Chaos: yea well
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: yea well nothing
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: go already
Quiet x Chaos: when i slap you in the face with my top hat.. we'll see who's laughing last, jack face.
Quiet x Chaos: polina said goodnight
Quiet x Chaos: but i say badnight!
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: goodnight polina
Quiet x Chaos is away at 12:58:18 AM.
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: goodnight mr peanut
Auto response from Quiet x Chaos: Ant can't pull off a top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: oh no you fucking didn't
Quiet x Chaos: shaniqua
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: wtf
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: go to bed vic you lost
Quiet x Chaos: fu
Quiet x Chaos: ho
Quiet x Chaos: k im going lol
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: peace
Auto response from Quiet x Chaos: Ant can't pull off a top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: picture vic in a top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: do you think he can pull that off? honestly
your VICODIN: hahahaha
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: exactly
your VICODIN: hahahaha
your VICODIN: is he tryina do a slash thing?
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: nope i'm supposed to hang out with him and polina wednesday and polina said "dress nice" and i said fuck it now i'm gonna wear my simpsons boxers bunny slippers and a top hat just to spite her and he said "only i can pull off a top hat"
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: i was like HA! you wish
your VICODIN: hahahahah you in a top hat > vic in a top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: goddamn right i do
your VICODIN: I bet you'd look all shmexy in your boxers, top hat and bunny slippers lol
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: i would!
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: aren
Auto response from IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: hoe, im idle... wtf g
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: ?
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: vic in a top hat
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: where.
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: just picture it
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: he thinks he can pull off a top hat
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: ha.
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: like one of those pink snowball colored ones
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: no a regular top hat
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: no
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: thats not what im seeing
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: i see vic in a salmon
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: maybe labia pink
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: rofl
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: well try and picture us both in regular top hats
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: who would look better
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: be completely honest
IllIlIIlIlIIlllI: u
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: damn fucking right
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: ty
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: vic in a top hat
xAlwaysInTheEndx: wtf rofl
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: i rest my case
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: picture vic in a top hat
that weatherman: LOL
that weatherman: owned
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: exactly
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: motherfucker thinks he can pull off a top hat
that weatherman: No thats just trendy wackness and may as well get a heartagram tatted on his inner thigh
that weatherman: If you're not from the 40's in england, a celebrity, or going to prom a top hat is not for you son.
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: he thinks he'd look better then me in a top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: no fucking way
that weatherman: well youd both look equally wack
that weatherman: hed just look like a fat ass in a top hat
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: oh come on i'd look better
that weatherman: Okay I'll give you that
LaZiEsTFcKoNeRtH: goddamn right i would
that weatherman: Lmao.
You lose peanut.... You lose.