So last weekend was awesome and now all my schedules are fucked, but who cares? Because ADAM LAMBERT. I refuse to be embarrassed, despite several people telling me that I should be, for liking glitter and pretty boys and catchy pop songs.
The whole day from the desperate run to the train station to the long, long, wait in the freezing cold felt completely unreal. Me and Sini laughed at stupid jokes, solved my EU translation problems (magical pants of holding!) and heard the band practice Ring of Fire inside, and still I couldn't believe we were actually going to see them...
We did. And it was fabulous, and ghay, and glittery, and all the good stuff - absolutely over the top and so much fun. If I Had You and Ring of Fire were my favourites - the latter's what got me hooked on AI8 in the first place. No complaints about the fan service either. Or the silvery shinypants. Never forget the shinypants. My only complaint is that the gig was too short, only a little more than an hour. I'd go see them again tomorrow if I could - but in some other venue, thank you very much.
Because the organisation sucked. There were no safety fences, barely any security, and 3 people working in the cloakroom when hundreds of people tried to get out at the same time... I'm not claustrophobic (despite what I told the accommodation office here to get a better apartment), but that was horrible, worse than during the gig. I've never felt as threatened, and I've been to gigs where there were violent, drunk, middle-aged guys. I was seriously afraid of passing out and being trampled to death. Not to mention the lovely pint-sized people behind me who kept trying to push me aside, and when they couldn't, contented themselves with kicking at my shins. Had they asked, I would have let them in front (which wouldn't have helped, because EVERYONE was taller than them), but I don't appreciate this sort of non-verbal communication. Oh, the youth of today, where are your manners?
Well, Annika who got out before us saved us by getting permission from the security guy to pull us out of the chaos. We had to walk to the centre because we missed the last metro, but at that point fresh air was a pretty good idea. Then we sat at a bar and got some drinks and a bit to eat (because I demanded food as usual), and I remember making really bad jokes and failing to convince the others of the awesomeness of mozzarella jalapeños.
So the night was a combination of the best and the worst, but it was totally worth all the near-death experiences <3 Happiness.
Life's been chaotic but sorta good all around. My flat's starting to look nice: I got a new bookshelf (because bookshelves are needed in the kitchen, dammit!), a starry shower curtain and - drum roll - a black convertible sofa, which I found used and only paid 55 € for. My bed-living-everything-room's not lacking the living room part any more!
Otherwise, I haven't had time for anything but frantic studying. I'm doing four translation courses plus French, Latin philology and literature, and it's a wonder if it doesn't drive me crazy. I love doing so much translation after last year, and I feel like everything I'm doing is very useful (well, except for literary theory), but once again I've got way too much work to do. Why do I do this to myself every year? Bloody November. Between translating a poorly written bestseller (Sandra Brown - Smash Cut), cryptic EU texts (the misadventures of metaphors), a documentary about Jari Sillanpää (he's actually rather charming when he doesn't sing) and legal documents, I don't even have the time to complain about it properly. Had to skip Nano again for the same reason.
But I'm definitely participating in Yuletide anyway, killer schedules or no. Just finished going through the list of fandoms...