Aug 02, 2004 23:39 was weird. went to cathys house and took a little safari down to rolling hills from her madres house. so many memories! yah we went back to her house and ate and she cut my hair...BALD. no I KID YOU! haha more like 2 inches. and I THINK IM GOING TO DYE MY HAIR!
what color should i dye my hair? im thinkin kinda a darker brown?? maybe even a brown/maroonish color? any suggestions/comments? tell me k--in the comments.
tomorrow is illonas bday. and i still dunno what we are doing. prolly beach and food and then to the pool and then back to her casa most likely. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ILLONA YOU LITTLE WHORE. 2 MORE YEARS. haha.
and i guess on wednesday//thursday im going w//fowler to rising star. even tho i suck. oh well, i should try it anyways right? AND I NEED TO START STRETCHING EVERYDAY. ahh! haha.
well im out dawgs. COMMENT.