Sep 06, 2006 18:40
Hey guys! Say hello to the newest member of this rockin' Daria community!
Woah, I've just recently gotten into Daria (although I do remember seeing it on TV when I was little, and didn't understand a thing about it back then - yes I used to hate this tv show, but that's totally turned around), and as soon as I started liking the awesome cynical girl, I started searching everything about her, watching all episodes on youtube, and reading Daria-related essays on That's when I ran into this way-cool community, all about Daria!
1) Favourite Episode (s): "Dye, dye my Darling", "Pierce me", "Boxing Daria", "Lane Miserables", "I Loathe a Parade".
2) Favourite Quote(s):
Daria [to Tom] - "Speaking of serious, thanks or getting us those adjoining cemetary plots, now I know you care."
Quinn - "That's gross."
Tom - "No, that's committment."
(Classic Daria quote:)
Mrs. Morgendorffer: "What night is good for Tom to come over?"
Daria - "Hm, anytime after armageddon is fine."
3) Favourite Character(s): Daria, Tom, Jane, Trent, Upchuck
4) Least Favourite Character(s): Tiffany
5) Character you are most like: Maybe between Daria and Jane; Jane's hip fashion sense, and Daria's attitude and monotone voice.