Aug 08, 2005 14:12
sooooo today was the first day of school. sophmore bitches :)
BUT ofcourse, im sick and had to stay home. im hlaf bummed but im startin to feel a lil bit better which doesnt say much, b/c i feel like sheeeiiiiit. itd be sooso cool if we went to school had a day off school day off and so on. anyway summer ended good. im not guna lie, i had soooo much fun, it went by so fast though, o well im glad schools back, im ready to make some changes and theeeen next summer I HAVE MY LICENSE whaaaaaaaaaat! ill recap last dandy week of summer, monday michelle came over and tuesDAY we went to the beachie =) that night was anger management tour <3 amazing. i cried :) and then wed. we rode bikes to the beach and IWS where i am getting a job- yayyy!!! showered & were off to orientation, then thursday me & nic had suuuch a laguna day we went to the beach, ice cream, showered RIGHT QUICK then went and got smoothies and pedicures. it was cute. after that i went to volleyball prac, i practiced w/ varsity and then w/ JV, omg i love it!! buttt i dont think my moms going to let me play =\ really sucks, b/c im good at it and i like it a lot. amy & my mom picked me up from prac and then good laughs it was w/ the ame meister. ohhhh what good laughs. the next night was just about as random 5 hours can get, but it was fun. then saturday was warped tour. which was eh. n o t h i n g compared to last year. we got there super early and ahhhh it was SOSOSOSOooo hott all day. didnt rain untill about 7. me & ame got lost in the neighborhood and then walked around, amy left and me and paige got lost but then we went to kmart publix and the movies. =) twas fun. my mom surprised me w/ our new boat, its pretty. me & paige went swimming and then off to bed. which i got like 2 hours of sleep due to my coughing. anyway anyway that was that. now im watching pretty woman and my body temp is ON FIRE!!!!!! and my nose is in like egypt.. it ran there. ha, get it. yeah so hope everyones summer was funfunfun mine sure as hell was mwahhaha =D