May 21, 2006 16:49
Caution: This is my observation, and you know what if you don't like it chances are you suck...
I went to a show last night, a show that had some pretty awesome bands, a show that a year and a half ago I would of died to see, DKLIMB, Simple Kill, All That's Left, Cru Jones...and more...
However this new pitiful excuse for a local scene sucks anyone under the age of 17, who currently listens to any sub category in the rock genere should be ashamed, should hate themselves, infact just die already...
I had to grow up, my scene had to grow up, we had to move on and away and do other things, but now the new generation the new kids the youngins fucking are dumb...they stand there, maybe they nod, probably they don't, they don't care, they don't realize the work, the passion, the heart ache, the pain, the struggle, the intensity...
My Scene, was devoted to our bands, we hung on every word said, every chord played made way for a new emotion, every rift was a moment of pure bliss, because we knew, we got it, and as passionate as the bands were, so were we, we would jump and fight, we would sing louder than anything in the world we lived for the moments in the pit.
now they fucking stand there, even chris from Dkilmb said that the past year has sucked perforimng because YOUR SCENE SUCKS, and you know what I give them credit for atleast they keep trying, they keep fighting for what they believe in, the true meaning of my scene, of my place in the world,
and I don't mean this as just me, I wasn't the be all end all of the scene, not by any means, what I mean is when I went to shows it was amazing it was inspiring and was they just FUCKING STAND THERE!!!! WHAT????
I get that kids now a days have their own bands and their own music and style but come on, if it weren't for bands like DKLIMB, All That's Left, Watergate conspiracy, Fallen From the Sky, Unsung Zeros, if it weren't for my scene you'd have no scene so fucking support, and respect the bands that made your scene so fucking cool...
I remember my first show, it was bands I didn't know, and a lot of screaming I just didn't get, regaurdless, I hung on every word jumping, and fighting to get as close to the stage as possible, I l oved falling because no matter what there was always a hand to pick you up, shows held promise and mystery, it was enlightening, I guess you could say it was like going to church, it was release, its what made the week, the month, the year a liveable experience because without the local scene I had no place to it's just the coool thing to be...
I'm so disgusted, I mean Ihad to go to college I grew up and maybe you won't get that, and maybe it doesn't make sense to you, but for all you little gits that are calling yourself punk,or skater, goth, or emo, for all you surfers and pot heads, and every other person in the world that attends local shows FUCKING SUPPORT, FUCKING GO NUTS, SHOW YOUR ENTHUSISM, SHOW YOUR LOVE, MAKE IT YOUR PASSION OR GET THE FUCK's not about going, it's about needing to be there, it's about love, it's about admiration...and all these fourteen year olds that parents drop them off don't get it...I swear last night I finally got that stupid little button at hot topic... Your SCENE does indeed SUCK!!!!!