Aug 20, 2004 12:19 as everyone went to get us our yummy fries at wendys we hung out with Brian Ok (did i say this part already? i cant remember haha)...hes cool...he was telling us out ryan mcgloughlin was shaving his head around his mohawk and he missed a spot lmao! then we left brian in the parking lot of the church and we crossed to street to the green to hang out on the gazibo for a while with rob f, andy, zack and other ppl and they made Dana sit on Zachs lap hahaha and they made me sit next to Rob...and chris put our heads ttogether and we kinda hit heads a little hahaha. then rob decided to go through my pocketbook and finds my cell phone that i just got for my birthday and begins playing with it ...and then adny got it and he called rob and himself....he's wasting my minutes! haha. then chris picked up dana and like through her on me lol but it didnt hurt cuz she didnt fall all the way..adnt hen rob picke dme up and i crushed dana and zach lmao. so we were starving and they still hadnt come back from wendys and it had been a we left and started walking back to see if matt was at the church and see if he had their numbers but we saw all of them including matt walking back and we like ran to them to get out food and we ate it all within like 5 or 10 minutes lol. So then we ran back cuz it was 9:30 and the Teles were on!! we started walking in and then we see like these ppl carrying a body out from there...(i dont wanna know what happened lol)...and then we walked in and watched something about them on a little tv which i couldnt see cuz there were so many people there. so catherine sqeezed us all in the front cuz we were all short and couldnt see but her .... and then one by one the members of the Teles walked on for their last show :(...Ben Jones walked on and started playing...then jeff saginor...then Cj...and then PAT :) hahaha. OMG i must say they were awesome!!! of course they were the best there as always. They were so good...and jeff looks so hot whe he plays cuz he plays with he eyes closed :) and omg pure hottness lmao! and omg Pat was incredible!! hehehe its so sad it was there last show .... im gona miss them all when school starts in a week or so :( . for now....buhbye ttyl xoxo!