May 10, 2009 03:44
"Good Morning, today my night was swelling like a piece of paper, it felt like a glow stick filled with water, kind of like a hot bath in ice. I saw love yes is nice, nice, love is, isn't it?
So it is winter tonight in waves. I speak of times in spraypaint on buildings, chess pieces on narrows of tables, falling at the end, but for happiness this was, as the movie suggested. Such as snuggling under a breath of warmth, even more so, your smile. Awake to this, ninety dayeth sunrise where i saw myself in a non-dream, how thoughtful, or curious... as they say.
you say, this, is not really, where i'm was starting to go, but this feels, like nice, smooth chords, rumbling, and stroking my eardrums.. but this was not the point. the point was, this and everything and every eye(s) reading this in the entire of everything of all is amazing, when you think, or don't think about it. kind of like those marshmallows when they melt just that right amount in that hot chocolate you're all sipping right now, more so, white hot chocolate, if you like, no racism here i think, all hot chocolate is well, kind of like that piece of paper i was talking about before, and the glow stick, and you.
Good Afternoon, as the sunrises, good morning as night comes, setting in the west, rising in the east, you are beautiful yes... this perfection is flawed and these flaws and falls are perfection, this is there, here is far, you are far, far is here, all is all, nothing is * + 11 - 2= 800- remember?
i'm thinking of you all, yes you all are ice melting on a hot day, helping someone stay cool, strings that rattles on a guitar strings, pushing vibrations through the air creating energy for just those few seconds, making history, not the unimportant history in books, but in breathe and dew and citrus and air and crisp apples bitten fresh clean icy frost.
Good Night All"
it's funny when you can go back and read something you've written and feel it all again, and I am- we are, fine.