Art Fart :]

Mar 21, 2008 15:23

So yesterday was my art class mid-sem portfolio day and we had to bring all of our prjects we have worked on since the beginnign of the semester. and once it came to my turn. the teacher just looked at me. and said " you kno, you work as been so strong... in every project we have been doing, you work has been very strong and unique." it was the best feeling ever but then she asked "whats your major again?" i replied "graphic design" and she was like "You are going to make a wonderful graphic designer". OH MY GOD. hard work pays off and it feels great. this teacher is toughhh and i got a 100% great feed back from her. i feel great and she made me want to do my best in everything. i am really starting to believe that i have the tallent to make it in this industry. Not only because of the teachers comment.. but because ireally feel good about my work i have done. each peace i put my all into it and treat it like a ART PIECE and not just a art project for a lower division class. i fuss about how much work we have each day, but you kno what i love art. it;s fun and it makes me feel like this is what i am living for.. it's my passion. and so many people piss and moan about this or other art classes.. and people give up so easly... but i wont. This kid in my art class right now is a graphic design major... and he just walked out because the teacher made a bitchy comment to him.. and he said he is gonna change his major... well you kno what this is what it takes to be in the industry. if your weak and give up easy.. go ahead.. less comp for me :] lol . i really hate most of the poeple in there... ya tough comment but they really piss me off... i have like maybe one person i like in there. everyone else is like "i dont give a fuck... it's a lower division class ill be happy to pass with a C".... no comment man... no comment at all.

On the other note... the foundation art gallery is coming up and i am going to have 3 of my works in there :] i am sooooo excited!!! thats like all of the projects we have done besides one and the one we are working on right now! :] yay for me!

And so i was working on my 3rd project and i messed up and i said shit.. and looked at my friend next to me and said "sorry i cuss alot.." and he said the most touching thing ever... like i dont kno it was so .... weird... 
he said "you should read the dictionary because there are much better words out there" WOW like .... it was really something i think i may consider to do... i have to lay off on the cussing... it's a bad habit... thanx eric :]


i'm going to old town passedena for my art history class tomrrow and im stoked :] !

For a downer.. i lost my Vivienne Westwood earing kiyoko gave me at her houseee!! .. :[ so sad.... sooo sorry secret boyfriend... :[

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