Before i get back to my comm speech =]

Dec 10, 2007 08:18

SOOO im taking a break before i start doing my comm speech soo my weekend was crazy!!! <3
so you ask me, what was so crazy about it?
well... drucker and i went to coffee bean on saturday morning to work on my art final. he was able to sched. my film in his week so he helped me out... but so i made me crappy sign which i will post later =] i held up my sign on the corner of fashin ave. and hawthorn.... i got GREAT responses! a guy even kept cheering for me and honking hahah =] wata nice man, but so we decided that it wasnt enough so drucker was like "lets make this a journey of you walking around torrance.. making it a better place!" wow! wata idea! so we ended up going to delamo mall for an hour... me walking aorund the outside area.. going into starbucks and holding my sign.. yelling and smiling... drucker just filming me... then i interviews couple of kids and for the last part he wanted to do a shot of me standing while the surroundings went in fast motion so i stood in the middle of the walk ways of Macy's for about 5 min. right before his battery ran out, a dad and two kids come up to me and the dad says "ohhh how nice!! go give her a hug guys!" so the kids came up to me and gave me a huge hug =] thennnnn RIGHT after they left... two securities came up to us and was like "you guys are leaving right?" so were like like ya! and walked out... the lady 5050 kept following us and drucker kept being an ASS but the funny thing is that they cant do shit about it.. only kick us out... she walked us to our car and drucker acted like he was filming her and she was like "you better nto be filming me!" drucker was like "oh! im not!" lmao! and when she was kinda far he pretended to sneek back inside and he looked back was like "IM JUST KIDDING!!" and ran for it was a fun journey i think and i my project is gonna be so cool =] thank you mr. drucker =] It was a great success and i think i made my point =]


ps. if you dont kno who drucker is... he's my old long term sub from my english class last year 23 years old? i think , he was theee best teacher ever and  now he is at USC for film and films skaters around cali. he'sa  long time friend i think  =] we have random lunch and updates on life at times <3 ANYWAYSSSSS that was my journey lollll

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