So I went to the fair o protest against the rodeo. I liked it. I wanted to go today again, but I will not be able to. I met Lindsey, and a couple of the people there. I was pretty scared, I didn’t want my mom to find out about it. I met a chick named Esmeralda, (vegetarian) She was hella cute. She gave me her number and she said she wanted to hang out some time. Uh, of course! Man, were these white trash folks immature. There was one certain family, in which the Mom and the Son were cussing us out. The younger children were in the back. I felt like telling them to shut the fuck up, and show their youngsters a good example. Anyway, some retarded hag told us we were ignorant, I simply told her, “we’re not, it’s people like you that can’t see or admit that this is wrong.” It was cool when this guy, who works for the fair, respected us for it. He told us to stand up for what we believe in. We got a lot of shit, but it was worth it. I thought it was rude that Tracy, Jeff, Aquilla, and this other short dude only stayed for like 15- 20 mins. They went to the fair. How fucking rude, they even showed up late. Oh well. I called my mom, she actually came to pick us up. Lindsey asked for a ride home, I don’t have a problem with giving people rides home, but I don’t have a car. I figured my mom would be bothered, but would give her a ride home. My mom looked fucking pissed off, I saw her chewing me out once I got home. While in the car Michael kept biting his nails, which made me want to bite my nails. Note: I hate biting my nails. I took his hands out of his mouth, he was like “Why your mom doesn’t like that?” - Like she would turn around and smack him for biting his nails. I continued to do it, by the end of the ride, I had my whole hand in my mouth. It turned out that my mom didn’t find out. She was feeling sick, and had just argued with my step father. Man, that bitch doesn’t live here, and they still fight! She also got pulled over by the cops, the guy thought she was drunk. None of us in the back ha dour seatbelts on. =0. Well, I really really reaaaally want to go tonight!! My mom is leaving though. I won’t have a ride. =D I cannot wait till I get my car! I will attend every protest I can!! I will provide everyone with a ride, if necessary. Here you all go::::
Fuck this photobucket is taking too long.
Lindsey, she's Hella cool ( Vegan)
Don't know him.
She was cool
She looks so much better in person
He kept doing that all night!