(no subject)

Jul 19, 2005 01:52

House show!

Saturday, August 6th
191 Briarwood Dr.
Manchester CT 06040
monetary donation for outta-town bands
7 pee 'em

Die Hoffnung http://www.noidearecords.com/mp3s/DieHoffnung-song04.mp3
Jim and Jon (along with a rotating cast of bassists) comprised Florida's legendary I HATE MYSELF. Now they bring the musically competent emotional hardcore attack in their new band! Fuck yeah! LP in 2006 on No Idea.

The Beat Buttons http://www.myspace.com/beatbuttons
Also from Florida, and featuring one ex-member of Argentina. Unpretentious, uptempo indie rock that's not averse to working in punk or classic emo influences. You'll be humming their tunes all day.

Dennis http://dennis.eatyourguitar.org
Local tri-vocal punky, emoey, hardcorey "scientist rock" fuckwads who play in funky time signatures yet still manage to be the worst band you've ever heard. And who books their own band on their own show? Fuckin' seriously. Eh, at least their set is short.

+ 1 more (probably Death To Tyrants)
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