Dec 13, 2003 03:00
Name: joseph
1. were you named after anyone? grandma
2. Single or Taken? still single=(
3. Do you wish on stars? no
Do I think they will come true? they never have before
4. Which finger is your favorite? all of them
5. When did you last cry? dont remember
6 Do you like your handwriting? nope
7. What is your favorite lunch meat? liverwhorst
8. Any bad habits? i smoke weed way to much;). no, i'm perfect.
9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the
shelf? that shits top secret
10. If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you? yeah, i own
11. Are you a daredevil? yeah, i'm more extreme then dave mirra and conan obrian put together. WHAT!
12.Do you like your butt? it does the job
13.Do looks matter? i hate to be shallow, but yeah. they matter alot.
14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded
absolutely stupid? of coarse not, what do you think i am, some type of abolitionist=)
15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow? there is no rainbow, everything is black and gray, cause i'm tuffcore and rainbows arent
16. Do fish have feelings? no, fish are ghey
17. Are you trendy? i try to be, trendy kids are popular
18. How do you release anger? riding my bike, and writing emo poetry which i post on this along with my pictures of me in a mirror
19. Where are your second homes? umm, i never feal comfterable anywhere really. dads scare the shit out of me.
20. Do you trust others easily? nah, pat-med kids are mad shady
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? lincoln logs
22. What class in school do you think is totally
useless? spanish, i have no need to learn spanish, i dont work at burger king
24. Have you ever been on radio or television? i was on nickelodeon once in the background
25.Do you have a journal? your a fucking idiot
26. Do you use sarcasm a lot? call me chandler
27 Have you ever been in a moshpit? no, i dont bring the mosh, i'm not cool enough
28.What do you look for in a guy/girl? pretty face. music. good taste. likes bikes. cuddle sluts.
29.Your nicknames? lately? nigga sketch, i'll always be her david aames tho=)
30. Would you go bunjee jumping? yeah man, that shits pussy
31. Do you untie your shoes when you take them
off? no
32. What are you worried about right now? nothing really
33. Do you ever wear overalls? no, i'm not a farmer, i just have there tan
34. Do you think that you are strong? i can curl trish, push cars out of snow. and benchpress like a million pounds. no.
35. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? pina colada?
36. What's your favorite color? red but only when the word crimson and razorblade is used with it. blue
37. What is your favorite cologne or perfume? i dont even know of any
38. What is your least favorite thing in the world? music television
39. How many wisdom teeth do you have? all?
40. Are you in love with anyone? yeah. it's not mutual tho=(
41. How many people have a crush on you right
now? ummmmmm, like 20, but thats just cause i live multiple lives, and one of them is as a supermodel.
42. Who do you miss most right now? alissa
43. Do you have something that is lucky towards you? my hair has always been lucky
44. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? i want you to die. fuck off goodbye!